v7.3 [Oct 1, 2016]
The memory consumption and loading speed of the sections "Recipient Lists", "Preview", and "Sending" has been markedly improved.
When using large amounts of Quickparts, the loading speed has been drastically improved. (Enterprise Edition only)
The self-repair of the internal database has been improved, problems with old installations or damaged databases have been solved.
If an MS Access database is used as internal database, the "Compress and Repair" function can now be triggered manually.
The Quick Navigation is now disabled by default.
The scaling of the user interface has been improved for high monitor resolutions.
Other minor errors have been fixed, several improvements have been incorporated.
Please note: This version is going to be the last version supporting Windows XP.
New SMTP Sending Profiles are now created with TLS Security by default.
Some errors during the manually triggered connection test have been fixed.
An error occurring when displaying the statistics in the "Profile" section has been fixed. (Enterprise Edition only)
Recipient List
The speed and the memory usage when working with large recipient lists has been improved drastically.
The column "Last Sent" is now sorted according to dates.
Importing Access Files with Office 2016 is now possible.
The "Search in all Lists" features now has a "Delete" Button to reset the search results.
The speed of Excel exports has been increased.
When sorting a list, SmartSerialMail will now keep entry selections.
The recipient list does not scroll anymore when changing the sending status of some entries.
Exporting a list does not change the position in the recipient list anymore.
The "Sending Status" statistic now also works for external tables. (Enterprise Edition only)
The import summary now always shows the correct amount of imported entries.
Importing a corrupted Access database does not result in a software error anymore.
Excel export now also contains the "Status" information.
The Filter "not equals" is now working correctly. (Enterprise Edition only)
The functions "Redo" and "Undo" are now available in the HTML editor.
The text floating property for images can now be set via HTML editor (float).
Problems with German umlauts have been fixed.
Links containing placeholders are now shown correctly in the link overview.
The function "Delete" in the context menu now always deletes the selected content.
The placeholder-function "printIfNotEmpty" now also works for attachments. (Enterprise Edition only)
The hint dialog when pasting content from MS Word via Clipboard has been improved.
The loading time of the preview when using large recipient lists has been decreased.
The profile’s "From" address is now used as the default value for the "Test Email Address".
Under special circumstances SmartSerialMail was not responding anymore when loading the preview. This has been fixed.
The "Sending" section is now loaded much faster when using large lists.
Resynching the sending status while a sending task is running is now supported by a failsafe mechanism. This prevents data loss, even when the computer crashes sending.
Cc and Bcc recipients of the sender profile are now also used when sending via EWS. (Enterprise Edition only)
Use the profile option "set all to unsent, before starting a sending task" to use recipient lists not containing any email addresses with the status "unsent". (Enterprise Edition only)
An error occurring while resyncing the sending status (internal and external tables) has been fixed. (Enterprise Edition only)
The display of the amount of unsent elements for filtered lists has been corrected. (Enterprise Edition only)
The link to the tracking statistic for finished sending tasks with activated tracking is now working. (Enterprise Edition only)
List Management
When collecting bounces, cancellations or subscriptions, new lists are only created when needed. (Enterprise Edition only)
Bounce emails with the error code "5.2.2 (mailbox full)" are no longer handled as permanent bounces, but as temporary bounces. (Enterprise Edition only)
The correctly selected recipient list is now available in the "list management" actions. (Enterprise Edition only)
In general settings a "reply to" address can now be entered. (Enterprise Edition only)
"Collect from Outlook" now works correctly for emails in online mode (not cached). (Enterprise Edition only)
Possible error messages from the POP3 or IMAP servers are now written to the protocol. (Enterprise Edition only)
v7.1 [Jun 29, 2015]
SmartSerialMail shows and processes large recipient lists more effectively, delays have been eliminated.
Loading a great number of tasks or using a large recipient list no longer prolongs loading times in the dispatch view.
Different fonts and a consistent interface design result in a much clearer user interface.
Individually configurable user interface: Navigation elements can be toggled under "File" -> "View".
Bar charts provide an overview over how many emails were sent at which point in time and how many subscriptions, cancellations, confirmations, or bounces have been collected. (Enterprise Edition only)
A second bar chart shows the tracking campaigns used in the sending tasks. (Enterprise Edition only).
v6.3 [Sep 20, 2013]
- Import from certain Excel-Files was not possible or caused an error. This has been solved .
- Importing content from MS Word works now also on systems with installed MS Word 2013.
- The error-reporting module of the sending application did not work correctly. This has been solved.
- When using the sending option "direct delivery" a second sending attempt is automatically done now after the first attempt failed. This solves problems in relation to "greylisting". (Enterprise Edition only)
- On some systems the program used for spam-report generation was started several times. This has been solved now. (Enterprise Edition only)
- Added print function for recipient lists.
v6.0 [Nov 6, 2011]
More Speed
· Performance-Improvements: Faster loading of recipient lists saves time while working with very large lists.
· Much faster fetch of the mail preview and accelerated switching between selected sending tasks.
Fresh Look
· SmartSerialMail with updated visual appearance - using the latest Office 2010 style - All functions stay at their well-known places.
· Different color schemes for an individual look of the user interface - whether light or dark, you decide how SmartSerialMail shall appear.
Enhanced Workflow
· An optional "first-step-wizard" guides you step by step through the program.
· More intelligent assistance: SmartSerialMail asks to start a sending task or recommends unblocking sent elements for a second dispatch.
· Enhanced warnings and hints in the mailing preview lead directly to the right context. Hints help to avoid mistakes - for instance when using large email content or when using potentially inappropriate language.
HTML comfort
· The helpful HTML preview mode allows an easy check of your design. This enables you to create your contents much more efficiently.
· Automatically upload your pictures directly to your webserver- with one click you may upload images from your content to your webserver. This reduces the size of your mail and allows you the creation of usage statistics. (only available in the Enterprise Edition)
· Keep track of used images with the useful overview of all images in your content. This also helps you to easily replace images and graphics.
· An overview of all hyperlinks in your mail helps you to manage different tracking goals and enables you to edit the links in your content in a comfortable way.
· HTML compatibility test - Your HTML mail gets automatically tested for compatibility with all common email clients. This allows you to take care of the optimal layout of your content at each of your recipients systems. (only available in the Enterprise Edition)
· The HTML editor can be disabled if it is required to ensure that the imported HTML content is not altered. So, it will be sent unchanged to your recipients.
· Designing tables becomes much easier: Table-based layouts are required when designing HTML emails. The table gridlines will help you to realize even the most complex layouts (does not work with installed Internet Explorer 8).
More enhancements and fixed problems
· Settings for newsletter subscriptions and cancellation (opt-in and opt-out) are now available at the profile page, too.
· Fixed: The setting of the email charset is now taken into account at sending.
· Fixed: Flawless import of "Quickparts".
· Fixed: Under some circumstances the sending application showed variational quantities of running transmission tasks.
· Fixed: Under some circumstances an error appeared when using parallel sending (more than one sending task at a time).
· Fixed: The program library "Redemption.dll" (used for interaction with MS Outlook) does no longer need to be registered. This avoids problems with other software which requires this library.
· Fixed: Proper database initialization on first usage of SmartSerialMail.
· Fixed: Loading of database backups from read-only media (CD-ROM).
· Fixed: Proper error handling when using a network based database and the network connection got lost.
· Fixed: The export of a “Send Mail” task now contains the column names of the exported recipients list.
· Fixed: Improved return mail detection (bounce): bounce mails created by MailEnable server are now correctly processed.
· Context-sensitive help (depending on the currently used function) assists you more efficiently now.
· Some minor improvements have been incorporated.
v4.3 [Mar 17, 2008]
Take your newsletter design to the next level with the new HTML editor:
Cleaner HTML-Code for optimized compatibility with E-Mail programs
Features an easy-to-use dialog for inserting links to external Web pages, internal bookmarks or to E-Mail addresses. Reveal the formatting information
Creates serial mails by using the integrated and comprehensive HTML editor.